Holy Crap -- I'm pregnant
Why is it that just when you think you have a great plan, something comes along to wreck it? It seems that's exactly what happened to me this weekend.
Saturday, K. convinced me to do a pregnancy test. I dug under the counter in the bathroom and grabbed one, knowing it was way too early and besides, an IUI would never work for me anyway. That's why we're doing IVF, right? So imagine my surprise when I found out that I wasn't ovulating! You read that right..I peed on the wrong stick.
Flash foward to Sunday. I did another HPT but this time it was in the middle of the day and I could only wait 2 hours before I had to go. BFN of course. I mean, again with the IUIs and not working for me. Monday, I got up to get ready to go to the gym and did another HPT just for fun (hey they come in packs of 3 for a reason, right?) and when I glanced at it a few moments later, i saw it clearly "PREGNANT" w0w!
On Monday (12 dpo-days post ovulation) beta was 53. I went back for beta #2 today. It's 97.3. didn't quite double. I did some quick calculations and discovered that the doubling time is 51.61 hours. The consensus is that it should be 48-72 hours. The increase from Monday was 81.1% and it should be over 66%. So far so good.
So why am I not happy? I guess I've been stung with the btdt bug. You know.. been there done that. I'll be happy when I'm holding my new baby. I'm not sure there's anything in between right now.
Stay tuned -- next beta is Friday.
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