Saturday, March 04, 2006

Here's your thread.. Hang on!

Well, the scan yesterday revealed that baby follicle #4 has caught up. We're working with 2 follicles on each side, each between 11 and 15 mm. Scan tomorrow and we're expecting hCG trigger with IUI on Tuesday. This will the first injectible/IUI cycle for us and there's a certain suppressed optimism on my part about it. It's not outside the realm of possibility that it will work and if we don't finish the cycle we know for sure it won't work.

Tuesday morning is also a meeting with the donor coordinator at our clinic. I'm really looking forward to the meeting as I hope it will fill in some of the blanks about this process. Mostly, I'm curious about timelines? How long will it take to match us? How soon after a match will the cycle start? As usual, now that the final decision is made, I'm in a huge hurry to make it happen. Now.

But first: the dreaded 2ww. Hang in there with me.


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